Since my early childhood, I am very attached to German Shepherd Dogs. I got even more excited, when my father, Fritz Rieker, founded the German Shepherd Club in Boll in the year 1958. Since then, I got deeply involved in raising dogs, training and working with this famous breed. I was visiting many shows and passed my first Schutzhund trials quite successfully.
In 1971, I bred the first litter under my own kennel name “von BAD-BOLL”. The following years were characterized by ups and downs. During the time of education and university as well as in my career as electronic engineer, there was not much time left to continually breed and successfully work with the dogs until the early 80’ties.
The big success first appeared in 1986 when my female “Pischa von Bad-Boll” became World Champion, “Palme von Bad-Boll” VA-3, both in working class females, and “Xara von Bad-Boll” Youth-Sieger, and consequently the first victory for the kennel group “von BAD-BOLL”. Since then, I was lucky to succeed with many of my dogs in shows as well as in the World Championships. I hope and wish, I can further contribute to the success of the German Shepherd also in future by careful and selective breeding.
As a Judge for conformation and obedience as well as breed survey master, I met with many wonderful people throughout the world and got friends all over. I am deeply grateful for the generous hospitality that I always experienced.
Many thanks to my family and my team for the long-lasting fruitful and close collaboration, as well as for their loyalty and friendship.