Visiting Judges

Daniele Strazzeri

SV Judge

My name is Daniele Strazzeri. I am 47 years old, married and have three children.

I have been doing dog sports in the IGP area since 1997 and have been breeding at the "Kennel von der Donauvorstadt" since 2004. Several dogs from my kennel started several times at LGA, BSP and WUSV-WM.

During this time, I trained several dogs myself with my wife and I am still actively involved in training today. In 2006 with my “Elly v.d. Donauvorstadt ”successfully participated in the BSP. Furthermore, I started several times with different dogs at the LGA. I am currently training the 6-year-old bitch "Malu vom Leipheimer Moor".

In 2010 I was appointed SV IGP-Judge. Since then, I have judged over 150 exams and judged the LGA several times in different departments. In 2016 I was allowed to judge obedience to the BSP, in 2021 the protection of the BSP.

I have also judged several Nationals in Australia, South Africa, Estonia, America, and Egypt.

Since 2013 I have been the regional group training supervisor in the Württemberg regional group.

I have been a breeding judge in the SV since 2018, and in 2021 I became Breed Survey. I have been a character assessor and breeding system tester in the SV since 2017.

Thank you for inviting me to judge the LG Zuchtschau in Lahore, and I wish all participants the hoped-for success.